Friday, September 14, 2007

How to Lose Weight Fast

When you go on a weight loss diet, you want your weight loss to be as fast as possible. This isn't easy for most people to do and so they decide that it's impossible, and that the only way to lose weight is slowly. But I can say from personal experience that this isn't true. If you make some small adjustments to your nutrition, frame of mind and make the right choice as to which diet plan to use, you too can enjoy a fast weight loss process.

Here are some simple steps you can take to improve your chances to achieve a fast weight loss:

1. Have faith - If you don't believe that you can lose weight fast, you never will. What we can achieve is often limited by what we believe we can achieve. Other people have manged to lose weight fast and so can you.

2. Don't settle for a slow weight loss - Every once in a while you should weigh yourself. If you're not pleased with your results, think back on the period of time which passed since your previous weigh-in. If you feel that there is something which you could have done better, make sure to correct it from now on. Note: I am not encouraging you to starve yourself. Continue to follow a sensible diet.

3. Avoid artificial supplements - Many dietary supplements, such as no sugar sweeteners, contain artificial ingredients which can hinder your weight loss efforts. Stick to natural supplements.

4. Don't eat in front of the TV - I want you to be concentrated on your food when you eat so you know exactly how much you're taking in at all times.

5. Spend some time each evening out of your house - Being away from your house is also being away from your fridge. You can take a walk, sit in the park, read on a bench, whatever you like to do, just make a routine out of it.

Follow the above 5 tips and you will have a greater chance of a fast weight loss

Calorie Shifting - What is it Exactly?

Calorie Shifting has become one of the hottest topics of debate in the weight loss industry. But what is Calorie Shifting and how does it work?

Calorie Shifting was developed as a solution to the barrage of what I call "Low Something Diets". You know what I mean: every where you turn is another low this and low that diet. Once it's a low fat diet, another time it's low carb or even NO carb. There are diets which proclaim that they hold the solution to your weight problems because they are low calorie diets. You get the picture.

For a while, some of these diets seemed to work. People reported an early fat loss at a good rate. It was what happened a few weeks or months down the line that was troubling: those same people who lost weight in the beginning, ended up gaining it all back and then some. It didn't happen to all of them, but the statistics state that 95% of diets fail and people end up fatter than they started.

Wondering why this happened? The reason is simple: when you deprive your body of a certain food group like carbs or drastically cut down on the amount of calories you eat, your metabolism slows down. You see, your metabolism thinks you're starving, as if you were in the wild nature, and in order to make sure that your energy deposits last as long as possible, it slows down. It's a protective mechanism which is biologically active in all of us.

The challenge was to create a system in which your metabolism will remain running high but in which you'll still lose fat fast. That's how Calorie Shifting came to be. Calorie Shifting is a way in which you constantly rotate your food thereby tricking your metabolism so it remains running high and burning a lot of fat.

Calorie Shifting works by getting you to eat the right food at specific times of the day and then by roatating it so your metabolism never gets used to any routine. The good thing is that because your metabolism keeps on running high, you don't have to dperive your body of any food groups or eat an absurdly low amount of calories. Becuase your metabolism is high all the time, you don't gain all the weight back the moment you stop being on a diet.

It is hard to get yourself to carry out the Calorie Shifting method by yourself because you need to create an expert menu which is based on this system. It is usually done by a special software. As far as I know, the only diet that uses Calorie Shifting is the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet.

Beyond Calories E-book From Fat Loss 4 Idiots Review

The Beyond Calories e-book is a new supplemental product offered with the popular Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet. There has been a great deal of excitement about this new e-book and many have wondered how it can help you in your weight loss quest and is it worth having.

Beyond Calories shows you how to incorporate H.S. Foods into your diet and to boost your fat loss even further than the regular Fat Loss 4 Idiots package allows. It also includes additional dieting secrets, tips and tricks that you can use in your day-to-day life.

At the moment, you can only get Beyond Calories when you get the entire Fat Loss 4 Idiots package which includes the menu generator and the the original ebook.

My research has shown that there are 2 reasons why the Beyond Calories e-book is separated from the regular Fat Loss 4 Idiots package:

1. Losing fat fast with the regular package is so easy to accomplish that you don't really need Beyond Calories in order for your diet to be successful.

2. In order to make Fat Loss 4 Idiots more affordable for everyone, Beyond Calories was created as an optional extra product.

My recommendation: Beyond Calories is a great product which can accelerate your fat loss beyond what the regular package can do, but it's not a must have product because Fat Loss 4 Idiots is good enough by itself.

I recommend that you get Beyond Calories only if you're serious about and commited to pursuing an extra-fast fat loss process. Be aware that it will take an extra small effort on your part to incorporate H.S. foods into your diet routine.

If you're not commited, stick to the regular Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet.

Tired of Being Fat? 5 Reasons to Start a Diet Today

Are you tired of being fat? Here are 5 great reasons to start a new diet today:

1. Better social and sex life - In today's society, being thinner also means being more attractive. You just have to open a TV to see who today's celebrities are. Overall, people who are overweight are considered less sexually appealing. This is true of both men and women. If you lose weight, your sex life should improve greatly.

2. Better health - Being overweight can cause a lot of health problems such as heart diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, knee injuries, and more. Losing weight is crucial to your health. Don't ignore the risks. Your health depends on it.

3. Better career - Research has shown that attractive people get higher salaries, are promoted more often, are better salesperson, and overall have better careers. Investing in your diet is an investment which can have real financial return for you.

4. Better overall feeling - Being overweight isn't all that much fun. I mean, you feel heavy, it's harder to breathe, people smirking behind your back. Losing weight definitely will improve your day to day wellbeing, and that is worth a lot.

5. Better Self esteem and confidence - If you're reading this article you know from personal experience how devastating being overweight can be to your self esteem and confidence. There are no limits to what you can achieve by improving your self esteem and confidence. Losing weight is a huge step in the right direction.

I've given you 5 reasons to start a diet today. Don't procrastinate. Start the change now.

5 Tips to a Fast Fat Loss

Everyone who wants to lose weight wishes that his or her fat loss will be as fast as possible. Many diets promise just that with a varying degree of success and reliability. But there are some simple steps you can take that, regardless of the diet plan you're using, can boost the pace of your fat loss.

5 tips to a fast fat loss

1. Write down what you eat - Carry around a small notepad in which you'll write down what you eat and the time in which you do so. That way you'll have a small task to give you pause between any sudden cravings you may have and satisfying them. You'll also be able to go over what you eat every day and be much more aware of what you can cut back on.

2. Get a good night sleep - sleeping well is very important to keep a healthy physical balance. Sleeping also insures that all the systems in your body are working as well as they normally should and therefore are burning more calories and fat. If you don't sleep well, your fat loss will slow down considerably. It is best to sleep 7.5 - 8 hours each night.

3. Replace deserts with fruit - You can't imagine how tasty a fresh and juicy piece of fruit can be. Fruit is often much tastier than regular deserts and is much healthier. Replacing your deserts with fruit will also cut down on the amount of useless calories, processed sugar and fat that you eat.

4. Tell everyone that you're on a diet - Being on a diet should not be a secret and you shouldn't hide it. On the contrary, if you know that the people around you know that you're on a diet, it will get you much more motivated to succeed in what you're doing.

5. Eat 4-5 medium sized meals a day - Eating 3 meals can prove disastrous to your fat loss quest, because when you eat 3 meals, each meal tends to be a large one. Your body has a hard time dealing with that amount of food all at once, so it does a poor job of digesting your food as well as it should, and it ends up converting more of your food into fat. Don't overeat, just spread the amount of food into more meals.

Follow these 5 tips and you'll enjoy a faster fat loss.

Idiot Proof Diet Handbook Review

The Idiot Proof Diet, also known as the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet, has become one of the most popular and successful diet plans today. It has been successfully used by tens of thousands of people around the world. But what is the Idiot Proof Diet? What is it based on and how does it work?

The Idiot Proof Diet was given the name it has, because it's supposed to be so simple that even an idiot can do it. But don't let the name turn you off, it may be simple to use, but the science behind it isn't simple at all.

The Idiot Proof Diet is based on the Shifting Calories Method.

The Shifting Calories Method was created when it was discovered that, over a period of time, your metabolism grows accustomed to the type and quantity of food that you eat. This is the main reason why low carb, low fat, low protein, and low calorie diets may provide an initial weight loss, but not a long termed one. You see, your metabolism adjusts to the new quantity of food that you eat or to the lack of the food group (carbs, proteins, fat) that you deprive yourself of, and slows down.

That's why over 95% of diets fail, because they don't keep the metabolism running at a high level. A slow metabolism means a slow rate of fat burn and it also means that once you get off your diet and go back to eating normally, your metabolism is so slow that you end up gaining all the weight you lost and even more, much faster than you can imagine.

The Shifting Calories method is about keeping the metabolism off balance, never letting it get used to any eating routine so that it remains at a high level of fat burn. You do that by constantly rotating your food. Sounds difficult? That's why the Idiot Proof Diet comes with a unique menu software which tells you what to eat and when. You get to eat 4 meals every day but the type of food is always shifted around, so you continue to burn fat at a high rate for a long time.

The Idiot Proof Diet doesn't involve exercise, so anyone who is interested in developing muscles should try something else. The Idiot Proof Diet is strictly a weight loss diet.

The Idiot Proof Diet states that you can lose 9 lbs. every 11 days you're on this diet. I don't want to burst anyone's bubble here, but that's ambitious and not all users of this diet manage to lose so much. But losing 6 lbs. every 11 days is pretty common on this diet. Sure, there are many users who lose 9 lbs. every 11 days, some even more, but not all of them.

The important thing to remember that it does take commitment. You have to follow the menu you get. It's not hard but it has to be done in order for you to succede.

Overall, the Idiot Proof Diet is what it says it is: a simple to use, reasonable diet that doens't starve you and gets you great results. I'd say that it's a great diet for people who want to lose fat fast and keep it off for a long long time.

Fat Loss Idiots - How to Choose a Diet Plan

Many diets are so complicated that it's impossible to know how they work. They either require a PhD to figure out or that they're so difficult to implement that you're better off not even giving it a try. I mean, I even heard about diets in which all you can eat are fruits. Can you imagine that? Who can live on nothing but fruits for any reasonable length of time? Sure, it sounds great on the package as a marketing line, but it has no bearing on real life.

Other diets require that you get special kinds of food which are guaranteed to make you lose weight. Well, here's a newsflash: the creators of these diets earn more by getting you to buy all those special foods. And these special kinds of foods, which are always herbs or teas or some chinese extract, are usually very expensive that you can't afford them for any length of time. You're setting yourself up for failure.

Great diets are supposed to be:

1. Simple. In fact, even an idiot should be able to understand them and to start acting on them in his or her day to day life.

2. Easy to carry out - When you start a diet plan you're relying on the knowledge of experts, but it should still be easy to carry out. If it requires getting special kinds of food or ordering tea or something over the mail, forget about it. If you can't get everything at your local supermarket don't even start this diet.

3. Easy to live with - If a diet plan requires serious deprivation you won't be able to stick to it for any length of time. Of course, you need to cut back on what you eat or you'll never lose weight, but if you want your weight loss to last into the future, choose a diet which is reasonable and which lets you eat a balanced menu each day.

Make sure your diet plan follows the 3 rules above and you'll succeed even if your a total idiot when it comes to diets.

Rapid Fat Loss - is it Bad for your Health?

Everyone wants to lose fat rapidly. It's only natural.

But sometimes, a too rapid fat loss may be unhealthy for you. It can also signify a danger to your body.

When you start to lose weight, it is important that you pay attention to the signals your body is sending you. If one of these signals appears, you may be on the wrong diet, one which may be harmful to your health:

1. Fatigue - If, after you've begun your diet, you start to feel tired all the time, require more sleep, can't seem to keep your eyes open and feel lethargic, you may be on the wrong diet. All of these signals may be induced by a lacking nutrition. If you're on a low carb, low fat, or low calorie diet, you should stop it for a few days, eat normally and see if your fatigue passes. If it does, you're following the wrong diet and may be damaging your health.

2. Lack of Concentration - If you start to feel that your concentration is wavering, that it's taking you longer than usual to make simple calculations or remembering things, you may be depriving your body of necessary nutrients. Again, if this occurs, put your diet on hold and see if you feel better.

3. Your overall appearance - When you go on a diet and start to lose weight, you're supposed to look better, not worse. If people are complimenting you on how you look that's a good sign, but if a friend or member of your family remarks negatively on how you look, it should be a red flag and you have to ask yourself why this is happening. It may signify that you're following a bad diet.

Losing fat rapidly is excellent and it can't be done in a safe and healthy manner. Make sure that you're eating enough and not starving yourself. If you starve yourself you may see some initial results, but these will be short termed. The damage to your health, however, may be more permanent.

Maximum Fat Loss - How you Can Achieve it

A lot of factors come into play when you go on your quest to lose fat. What makes or breaks your diet is determined by how you lead your life. Remember, a diet which isn't a part of your life isn't going to succeed. Here are a few simple actions you can take in your day to day life which can bring your fat loss to the maximum:

1. Throw away fatty foods - If your look through your fridge, cupboards and pantries, you will see a lot of food which isn't very good for you and probably got you into weight problems in the first place. Throw it all out and start your diet with clear fridge and pantry. This will prevent cravings you will have for all those unhealthy and fattening snacks you used to indulge in. It will also signify a new chapter in your life: a thin one.

2. Get the cooperation of your family - If your family continues to eat sweets, junk food and other fattening food in the house, it will be hard for you to lose weight. Ask your family to reduce the amount of fattening food that they have around the house. Watching someone eat foods that you like but cannot eat is an unwanted temptation and can make you lose focus. Don't make your family go on a diet if they don't need to, but it's alright to ask for a little understanding and support.

3. Buy groceries from a list - Before you shop for groceries, write down a list of what you need. That way you won't be tempted by all those tasty foods at the supermarket. If you buy from a list you will also have better control of what you eat in your home.

4. Follow a sensible diet plan - There are a lot of diet plans out there. Most of them just try to starve you into an initial and short term fat loss. If you want to lose maximum fat and to keep it off forever, choose a diet plan that lets you eat the right foods and at a reasonable quantity. Remember: don't starve yourself.

If you follow these 4 tips, you will have a better shot at achieving maximum fat loss.

Fast Fat Loss - How to Lose Fat and not Gain it Back

When you go on a diet you want to lose your excess fat as fast as possible. Everyone has his or her own pace, but it is possible to lose a lot of pounds in a matter of weeks. In fact, I personally lost over 30 lbs. in as little as two months.

Many diet plans promise you a fast and massive fat loss. It seems tempting, I know, but only a handful of diets can deliver on this promise in such a way that you will maintain your weight loss. Most diets may provide an initial fast fat loss, but can be destructive in the long run. You may end up gaining more than you lost. How can you make sure that your fast fat loss is healthy and that you'll keep it off?

Here are a few simple steps you can do in order to ensure that you will lose fat fast and keep it off:

Fast Weight Loss:

1. Set goals - When I wanted to lose weight, I knew exactly where I wanted my diet to go. I had a target weight and I was determined to reach it. Determination plays a key role in your diet success.

2. Drop junk food and sodas - Junk food and all kind of sodas inhibit your weight loss. Cut them out of your diet and you will experience and fast burst of fat loss.

3. Do some light exercise - If you've been idle for a long time, even light exercise can turbo charge your body to burn a lot of fat in a short time.

How To Maintain Your Weight Loss:

1. Don't starve yourself - Avoid low fat and low carb diets. Most importantly, avoid low calorie diets. These diets can get you initial results but they are setting you up for a fall. You can't stick to such diets for a long time as your body will become used to low quantities of food or will not be able to handle some food groups as well as it should.

2. Keep setting goals - Don't forget where you were and where you want to be. Keep your goals well in sight and it will help you to maintain your weight loss.

3. Use a simple diet - Make sure you understand the diet you use and why it works. Make sure it's easy to use. If it's hard or involves expensive food or something which is hard to come by, it will be hard to stick to. It may provide fast fat loss in the beginning, but it will not last.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

10 Steps to Weight Loss Using the Sauna Suit (sweat Suit)

In this article I will explain the best way to maximize the use of the sweat suit also known as the sauna suit and give you a 10 step plan to successful long term weight loss.

It has been proven that crash diets can help you lose weight quickly but most dieters do become a victim of the yo-yo effect. Some of these diets are also unhealthy and dangerous. Studies have proven that yo-yo dieting can actually result in more weight being put on once the person comes off the diet and each time they diet the weight becomes harder to lose.

There is no great secret to gaining and maintaining a healthy balanced weight:


The only way long term weight loss can be achieved is not through crash dieting, weight loss tablets or some new gimmick but through a change in your lifestyle.

The most important rule to remember is to ensure your calorie intake is less than the amount of calories you are expending.

10 Steps to Weight Loss

1 Set a goal for yourself and get real about achieving it.

You need to set a goal of how much body fat you want to lose and please be realistic. It needs to be specific and written down. If losing body fat is what you want to do, you must be willing to achieve it at all costs. A simple and realistic aim could be to lose 1 to 1 ½ pounds a week.

So step 1 is to stop dreaming and start doing. Tell yourself you are going to achieve your goal no matter what. Write down what you want to achieve and then go for it!

2 Start a regular exercise programme and stick with it.

You need to look at doing intensive cardiovascular workouts (average 30 minutes) 3-4 times a week. With all exercise programs you will need to use the sweat suit to maximize your calorie burning.

Cardiovascular training increases your metabolic rate so that the rest of the day you will burn off more calories. Remember cardiovascular training is where the majority of the calorie burning takes place. This is why the sweat suit is so important in aiding weight loss. Remember the ‘sauna effect’ that the sweat suit creates during exercise will increase the body’s temperature therefore increasing your calorie expenditure.

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Intensive weight training is also key to long term weight loss. Weight training has a more long term aspect to burning fat. When you add muscle to your frame your body has to expend more energy (burn more calories) to maintain that muscle. So when you are at rest, even sleeping the more lean muscle mass you have, the more calories you will expend.

Always remember to consult a doctor before performing any physical activity and always drink plenty of fluids during activity

3 Sneak in extra exercise in addition to your regular programme.

Instead of a 30 minute cardio session, do 2, 15 minute sessions.

This is definitely a tough thing to do because of busy schedules, but if it is possible, do a 15 minute cardio session first thing in the morning and another session later in the afternoon or early evening. Always remember to wear your sweat suit!

Research has shown that compared with subjects that did a 30 minute cardio session, those that did 2, 15 minute sessions burned twice as many calories. Make each 15 minute session still very intense, which is easier to do if you are going 15 minutes.

Also you should encourage routine day to day exercise in to your lifestyle. Simple things like parking at the far end of the car park and walk; take the stairs instead of the elevator these can all add up at the end of the day for calorie expenditure.

4 Eat 5-6 (or more) small meals a day.

This is important in keeping your metabolism efficiently burning calories. Constantly grazing on meals every 3 hours will allow your body to burn off what it has consumed quicker and more efficiently.

Eating one or two larger meals will actually cause your body's metabolism to slow down. Skipping meals altogether will actually cause your body to store fat as a defense mechanism.

Make each meal consist of higher protein (builds muscle) 40-50% of calorie intake, moderate carbohydrates (fuel for the body) 40-50% of calorie intake and low fat (energy and protection) 10-15% of calorie intake.

5 Choose foods that you like.

Learn to prepare healthful, low-calorie foods that taste good by checking healthy cook books for new recipes. Eating well doesn't have to mean eating dull.

6 Drink water as often as you can.

Water is used in every single physiological process your body undergoes.

It's importance cannot be stated enough, especially when it comes to fat-loss and fitness training. Try to drink 3-4 litres of water a day. The inconvenience of constantly using the bathroom is a minor drawback compared to the benefits you will receive.

Keep a bottle wherever you spend most of your day, at your desk at work, in your car, etc. Remember whilst exercising especially when wearing the sweat suit to drink plenty of fluids.

Dehydration can lead to poor performance when exercising. A poor performance in your workout will lead to less calories being burned.

7 Plan ahead.

Keep the fridge stocked with healthful food and you'll be less likely to run out for high-calorie, high-fat junk food.

8 Keep a food diary with your calorie intake and expenditure.

This will help you pinpoint where you can improve your diet.

You need to figure out your daily calorie intake and reduce it. The only effective way to long term fat reduction is to ensure your calorie intake is less than the amount of calories you are expending. UK Department of Health Estimated Average Requirements (EAR) is a daily calorie intake of 1940 calories per day for women and 2550 for men. Since most adults in the UK lead a sedentary lifestyle, these figures apply to adults with low activity levels.

It's difficult to place a number on how much below your consumption you should go, because everyone is different. A good place to start would be 150-200 calories below your calorie maintenance levels. Then continue to observe the effects in the mirror to determine if this number needs to be changed. If you continue to see no results, try reducing your energy consumption to 300 calories below your energy output.

9 Snack times.

Once you discover your favorite snack time, be sure to have plenty of healthful options available.

Snack on fruit and vegetables in between meals instead of high fat and/or sugary snacks like biscuits, crisps or chocolate. Aim for around one third of your diet to be fruit and vegetables; aim to eat around 5 portions each day.

If you skip breakfast you are likely to be very hungry by mid-morning and tempted to snack. It is better to have breakfast and a small snack of fruit later on.

10 Give it your best shot.

Losing weight for long term results is tough, there is no easy way. As mentioned before a change in your lifestyle is the key. But there are ways to get the best results.

Eating sensibly is down to you but at we can help to ensure you get the most out of your exercise workouts. By wearing the sweat suit when you train you will increase the calorie expenditure therefore helping reach that goal of expending more calories than taking in leading to weight loss.

So, you Want to Lose Weight ?

Maybe I can help you ...

People are overweight for 3 simple reasons -- they eat the wrong foods, the wrong types of calories per meal, and also eat meals in the wrong patterns.

I have battled with my weight for over 20 years - but not any more. Look closely at what I'm going to tell you, because it's going to change the way you think about dieting.

FOOD is more powerful than any prescription weight loss pills, because the FOOD that you eat can either make you THIN or FAT. You don't get fat because of a lack of exercising, that's a myth. You get fat because you don't eat the right foods at the right intervals each day.

You have gotten overweight by eating the wrong foods, that much is a fact. And guess what? You can get SLIM by eating the RIGHT FOODS at the RIGHT INTERVALS each day. It's not really any more complicated than that, and the way to start losing weight has nothing to do with starving yourself or jogging.

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Low Fat Foods DON'T WORK.
Low fat foods have been popular for the last 15 to 20 years, but yet society as a whole is getting more overweight as each year passes. This fact alone should tell you that eating a purely low fat menu is not the answer to losing weight. You cannot lose weight using a Low Fat Diet.

Low Calorie Diets DON'T WORK.
Eating low calories is the worst thing that you can do to your body, since that will only slow down your body's fat burning engine and ruin all chances of losing weight. Low calorie diets may allow a few pounds of weight loss for the first few days, but then after that all weight loss comes to a halt. (known as a dieting plateau). You can never get slim by starving yourself. You won't lose weight using a Low Calorie Diet.

Low Carb Plans DON'T WORK.
Low carb diets have become popular over the last couple years, but the problem with low carb menus is that they are too strict and TOO HARD TO FOLLOW for average people. Low carb menus tend to rob your body of energy (carbohydrates) and make it nearly impossible to remain on the program for very long. This is why so many dieters find it difficult to follow a strict low carbohydrate menu. You'll probably find it extremely difficult to get slim using a Low Carb Diet.

What about Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig Dieting Plans?
Weight loss programs such as Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig usually involve slower dieting progress over a longer period of time. With a weight loss of about 2 pounds per week. Also, programs such as Jenny Craig usually involve buying special meals and/or dietary supplements during the initial phases of the program. Some people like these types of diets, but I prefer a diet plan which focuses on faster weight loss, such as the Accelerated Fat Burning Program.

I have discovered that when you rotate your eating patterns it takes a few days before your metabolism can adjust itself to the new eating patterns, and that is what this new dieting technique is all about, it forces fat burning to happen.

How Do You ROTATE Your Eating Patterns?
The answer to weight loss is not really about rotating your overall calorie intake. The answer to weight loss is SHIFTING THE TYPES of CALORIES that you eat.

The Theory behind Shifting Calories
Your metabolism doesn't know how much food you'll eat tomorrow or the next day because those days have not happened yet. Therefore, your metabolism always burns calories based on your eating habits during the past few days. So, If you shock your metabolism by doing something you've never done before, (don't continue eating the same types of calories and meals for more than a couple days at a time) you're going to lose weight because of this.

For this to work you need to SHIFT the types of calories eaten, and if you do this then your metabolism will burn all of the calories you've eaten. Then, when its finished burning those calories it will find the nearest available fat tissue on your body and burn that off too.

You could lose 9lbs every 11 days ... YES! You could be 11 days away from a new you .

Weight Loss and Dieting Advice

In order to change your weight, you must FIRST change your mind.

Wanting to lose weight shouldn’t be a matter of vanity; it should be more about wanting to be healthy and to be there for the people you love. Be kind to yourself. Being overweight is a difficulty to resolve, not a moral failing or a cause to detest yourself.

Prepare yourself mentally. It's hard to change your lifestyle.

You have to learn to have control over your appetite and your cravings remember that being healthy is much more valuable than stuffing your face all day long! Drink lots of water and get regular exercise. You can make the time for it because YOU are worth it!

Additionally, don't get frustrated. While weight loss is the same target for each person trying to lose it, how it is lost is unique to each person. So don't get discouraged by plateaus. At the same time don't focus 100% on the hard and fast number of your weight. I would suggest using a Running Average technique, or consider your weight to be in brackets of about 5 pounds. That way little changes won't bother you.

I'd also recommend that if you were just starting out with exercise, start SLOWLY. I'm talking "ten minutes at a slow pace on the treadmill" slow. In the early stages you should focus on forming an exercise habit, and I believe that will be easier if you don't work yourself to total fatigue in your initial exercise sessions. There’ll be plenty of time for you to run yourself into the ground later on.

As well as exercise being part of successful weight loss, changing your diet plays a major part in losing weight too.

For starters you can do as mother always said, “eat your vegetables”, lots of them.

1.) Drink less fizzy drinks. Drinking a 44 oz. Fizzy drink is equivalent (in terms of sugar) to eating an entire chocolate cake. Plus, carbonated beverages leach the calcium from your bones.
2.) Always eat breakfast. You need to start your metabolism if you ever want to lose weight. But:
Try a high-fibre cereal with fresh fruit and skim milk in the morning instead of bagels or muffins.
3.) Have a look at the hidden fat in food (e.g.: It does not make sense to eat a healthy fresh salad in combination with a regular dressing in order to lose weight).
4.) Never give up – even if your weight loss is stagnating. There will always be slow periods.

Lose 12 pounds in 2 days

If you feel frustrated: jump into one of your “big size” jeans/dress and have a look at what you have lost already.
5.) Water! Drink as much water as you can – at least 80 oz. a day.
6.) Choose healthy snacks, such as fruit, a handful of nuts or a low-fat yoghurt between meals to keep yourself from getting too hungry.
7.) In a restaurant: Start with a soup or mixed green salad, both of which will contribute to fullness, and follow with an appetizer rather than a full-size entree.
8.) Incorporate exercise daily, even if it is just walking to work or taking the stairs.
9.) Munch on fresh vegetables with low-calorie condiments to make them taste great and to satisfy the need to crunch.

Keep in mind that it’s so important to love yourself exactly as you are right now, and don’t expect results overnight. Being in a hurry puts too much pressure on you to get it now. Enjoy the process. Consider every healthy bite and every crunch or mile you walk a success. Give yourself permission to feel good. It’s all about feeling good. Also, don’t discount the value of doing small things. They add up in the long run.

Eat right and exercise regularly. It's actually a very simple notion but not so easy to do.

Battling My Weight Problem

When I was young and lean, I could eat anything I want and all I want without gaining any additional weight. I didn't have to worry about how many calories are in one cheeseburger or how much fat is in that weekly pizza. When I heard stories and saw ads about people struggling to lose weight, I simply thought it couldn't happen to me. I was practically in food heaven in the early years of my life.

I began to eat low fat and low calorie foods after doing some initial research. Didn't work for me that well. I was basically starving myself and yet I didn't notice any weight loss after shedding off the first few pounds. What I hated the most was the starving aspect of the diet. Why was I starving myself purposedfully? I'm living in a plentiful, industrialized country for god's sake! I then tried a the low carb method, which I quickly find out was practically the same as the previous method. I couldn't eat more than an apple per day! What's the point of living if I have to feel so miserable about eating so little?

Hoodia Complex with Green Tea

After scrounging for more weight loss plans and methods, I stumbled upon diet plans that were less harsh than the previous methods but worked much slower. I tried it for about two months but only lost less than a pound! This might work if I went through the program all the way, but by that time, I would probably be in my forties already. Again I searched for more information and tried diet pills. Basically they were even worse than what I've tried before. I felt that the only value those pills had were their placebo effects. After searching for more weight loss methods and plans (many of which were basically copy-cats of one another), I was on the verge of giving up.

One fine morning, however, I stumbled upon a new theory on weight loss: The Shifting Calories Theory. I was intrigued because it was something unique. The theory basically states that our bodies metabolism burns future calories at a rate based on the average of how many calories the person has burned previously (a few days past). This basically means that our bodies' metabolism has a sort of a memory of how many calories to burn. However, if we suddenly change the types and amounts of calories we eat, we can trick our body into burning more fat. Though there are more details, that's basically how it works. And it does work, at least for me. I've already lost thirty-six pounds using this method. I'm not saying that all of the other methods are worthless, but if you've tried a lot of plans already but failed, you should give this a shot.

The Shifting Calories Theory

Simple Strategies to Raise your Metabolism for Permanent Weight Loss

Your metabolism (or basal metabolic rate) is the number of calories your body burns or uses for energy on a daily basis. Increasing your metabolism can help you almost effortlessly lose excess body weight. Here is a short list of simple strategies you can easily incorporate into your life to loss weight permanently.
1. Eat something within the first hour of waking up. This will wake up your digestive system to begin burning calories sooner in the day. Think of breakfast as the kindling that starts the fire of your metabolism.
2. Keep your body’s gas tank (your stomach) ¼ to ¾ full all day long. This is how thin people eat. They start eating at the first sign of hunger and stop eating when no longer hungry. When you skip meals or eat to the point of full, your body releases lypogenic fat-storing enzymes. Avoid the two extremes.

3. Always carry snacks with you. This will make it easy to eat at the first sign of hunger without having to go to a fast food restaurant. Place almonds or walnuts in a tin to keep in your purse or car. Grab a banana from the convenience store when you stop for gas.
4. Eat more whole foods, in their natural state. The calories you burn during digestion are due to the breakdown of the foods. Your body must extract the fiber, nutrients and chains of molecules to chop them into smaller units to absorb them into your bloodstream. Processed food requires fewer calories for digestion, since most of the food is already stripped of its complex components.
5. Substitute water for other beverages. Water is needed for many basic body processes, but is essential for the breakdown of body fat to be used for energy. Other beverages many contain extra calories, artificial sweeteners or chemicals. None of these are beneficial for weight loss. Your body does not compensate for the calories from beverages, by decreasing your appetite. This means that all calories from beverages are additional calories and can lead to weight gain. Be aware of your cappuccino with whipped topping.
6. Move your body most days of the week. Movement burns calories and raises your metabolism for up to 24 hours after the completion of the exercise. Plan to move for at least 30 minutes 4 days of the week. Many people find pedometers to be a fun way to track how much movement they have experienced during the day. Set your goal to reach 7,000 to 9,000 steps per day to be considered active.

Lose 12 pounds in 2 days

7. Use weights or your body’s own weight to strengthen your muscles. Muscle is metabolically active. Fat is metabolically inactive. To burn more calories all day long, you will want to increase the amount of muscle on your body. You can do push-ups, toning videos or add hand weights while you march in place to the evening news.
8. Squeeze your muscles. This is also called isometric toning. Squeeze the muscles you would like to tone. Hold the squeeze until it begins to tire and then hold them for another 5 seconds. You will be amazed at how firm your muscles can become once you start squeezing them.
9. Deep breathe for 10-minutes everyday. Breathing deeply is one of the best stress reducers. It will increase the amount of oxygen being delivered to your brain and will help you feel more centered. Plan to do this just before the most stressful time of your day. I do my deep breathing daily at 2:45pm, just before picking all three of my kids up from school.
10. Add foods to your diet that have been found to raise metabolism or decrease calorie intake. These include: cayenne pepper, salsa, hot peppers, chili sauce, mustard, green tea, apple cider vinegar, berries, soup and oatmeal.
For more tips visit

Thin People Share Their Six Best Secrets to Permanent Weight Loss

The latest reports indicate that 2 out of 3 Americans are overweight with 1 out of 3 classified as obese. Obesity puts individuals at risk for diabetes, heart disease, cancer, joint problems, depression and many other health problems. The most significant issue is that you just don’t feel well. Life is too short to live in a body that you don’t or can’t enjoy. Follow any or all of the six simple strategies listed below to begin losing weight easily and permanently.

1. Eat something within the first hour of waking to start your metabolism and begin burning more calories all day long. This can be as simple as eating a banana or a few crackers. This fuel for your body fires up the furnace to burn more fat.

Drop 21 Pounds in 3 Weeks!

2. Eat one smoothie and one large salad every day. This will provide you with 8-10 combined servings (approximately ½ cup each) of fruit and vegetables a day. Five servings a day will promote good health, whereas eight to ten will promote almost effortless weight loss.

3. Drink 8-10 cups of water a day. Water is needed to breakdown body fat and flush the toxins. To make this easy, use a 32oz sports bottle with a straw and drink two of these daily. You will know you are drinking enough when your urine is pale in color and clear (not cloudy)midday with the absence of smell.

4. Eat something every 3-4 hours. This will help stabilize blood sugars and prevent you from becoming over-hungry at your next meal. Ignoring true hunger will cause your body to increase its lipogenic, or fat storing enzymes. Always carry a snack with you so that you can respond to hunger signals quickly.

5. Never eat to the point of feeling uncomfortable, instead stop when your hunger has been satisfied. When you feel “full” after a meal, you are storing body fat.

6. Visualize yourself at your goal weight. Do this for at least 5 minutes every night before going to sleep. The mind is a powerful weight loss tool. By conditioning your mind to think that you are a thin person, you will find that making choices like a thin person come easily.

By implementing even a few of these simple lifestyle choices, you will begin to experience permanent weight loss without ever dieting again.

Jill Fleming, MS, RD is the author of Thin People
Don’t Clean Their Plates: Simple Lifestyle Choices for Permanent Weight Loss. She has spent over 10,000 hours researching the lifestyle habits of thin people. Find more tips at

Recognize and Stop Emotional Eating

Emotional eating is one of the biggest threats to every dieter. As the level of sugar in the blood drops some time after a meal and hunger sets in, the body requires more food. When bad news strike out of nowhere and your thoughts are colored by negative feelings, the body asks for a treat to take the edge off. When depression sets in and the world looks unappealing, your mind is certain that a box of chocolates or some other delicious food is the very thing that can make the bad mood go away. This is emotional eating and this is what makes it such a fearsome enemy.

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What you can do to fight it is to take control of your eating and keep an eye on your behavior. Whenever you think you're hungry, you need to stop yourself the moment you started to head for the fridge. It’s important to learn to stop yourself and ask yourself in that moment, "Am I actually hungry?" A part of you will try to make this move as inconspicuous as possible, but it’s crucial to recognize it for what it is. So ask yourself: Is your stomach growling? Do you feel weak? Are you tired? If not, then you don’t need food.

The next step is to understand what has caused such a behavior in the first place. Take a good look at yourself and try to determine your emotional state. Explore your feelings and see why you felt the need to eat. If, in fact, you're not hungry, and you've eaten an hour or two ago then you certainly don’t need food. So take a look and see what’s there. Maybe you’re going through a breakup, you’ve lost a job or a friend and you feel sad or angry. Maybe there is a chance of such things happening in the near future and you live in a state of anxiety that makes you eat when there’s no need to.

Once you've recognized the root of the problem you need to face it in order to conquer it. That means that you've got to look at it and ask yourself: "Can this issue be resolved by me? Is there anything I can do to make things OK?". If it’s up to you to solve the issue, then by all means do so and get over it. Removing the cause will put an end to the need to find comfort in eating. If you can’t solve it then try to find something else that makes you feel good, such as watching your favorite movies or pursuing a hobby.

And if such tactics simply don’t work, at least make a healthy choice. Instead of buying that big box of chocolates, get some sugar-free candy. Skip hamburgers and fast food and instead eat a lot of vegetables that have high fiber content. They will make your stomach feel full but will not make you fat. Just remember: when all else fails, at least make the healthier choice.

Vitamin Supplements: Good or Bad?

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) reports that, in 2006, Britons spent £220 million on vitamin and mineral supplements and, more surprising, that as many as 43 percent of UK adults had taken vitamin or mineral supplements over the previous 12 months, with usage highest among the 50-65 age group. The most popular supplements of 2006 were cod liver oil and multivitamins, although the fastest growing market is that of 'mega-dose' vitamin and mineral products. Some manufacturers of such products reported an increase in sales of more than 20 percent in the last three years.

Undeterred by the occasional warnings that overdosing on vitamins in the morning may damage the body, it seems that people are determined to compensate for their less than healthy lifestyles by loading up on vitamins. That the body needs vitamins is not in dispute. Vitamins are a small group of substances that are essential in tiny quantities for growth and development and since most of them cannot be manufactured by the body, it follows that they must come from our diet. The problem is that some people think that you can eat anything, take vitamin pills and enjoy great health.

Hoodia Complex with Green Tea

It’s easy to see why the idea that a steady diet of junk food can be cancelled by bottles of vitamins, resulting in a healthy lifestyle is so popular. People like to know they can do anything they feel like and then take a pill that erases all the negative consequences. It’s called having the cake and eating it at the same time. Naturally, not all people think like that and some of them do try their best to follow the prevailing health advice. Nevertheless, they know that they will fall short of the ideal and take vitamins as a kind of insurance policy.

Unfortunately for all these people, many studies have since shown that vitamins from supplements do not act on the body in the same way as vitamins from foods. The best thing to do is to actually eat a balanced diet and get your vitamins from a natural source. Apples, for instance, are a rich source of vitamin C, which builds up the immune system and also contain many the antioxidants called flavanoids and polyphenols that are thought to protect against cancer. This meant that eating a small apple (100g) gave an antioxidant effect equivalent to taking 1500mg of vitamin C – and you'd have to take a mega-dose supplement to achieve that.

A further reason to avoid mega doses of vitamins is that they can have toxic effects. This is particularly true with the fat-soluble vitamins that will be stored in the liver, like vitamin A. They can eventually reach toxic levels and cause liver damage. Even the water-soluble vitamin C can cause diarrhea at levels of 2000mg a day. Taking vitamins and food supplements is neither good nor bad, but unnecessary for most of us. There is a lot to be said for saving the money and splashing out once in a while on a nutritious and delicious well-balanced meal at a ritzy restaurant instead.

How to Achieve Effective Weight Loss

Weight loss is not a tough thing to achieve.

With the help of nutrition, foods and exercise weight loss is possible easily.

Normally if our energy intake in the form of food etc., is less than the energy expenditure

required by the body naturally effective weight loss is possible.

Eating less to reduce weight and then after achieving the desired weight loss returning to old eating habits only produce short term results for weight loss objective.

Lose 12 pounds in 2 days

For a normal health one should absolutely have required vitamins and minerals, plenty of water, good sleep, and fresh air. When the health is normal weight loss is the other way to come.

Calorie reduction while in taking is the effective way to achieve easy weight loss. This does not mean that calorie food items should be completely avoided. Less calories foods can be taken instead of high calorie contained foods.

Taking less quantity of foods instead of large quantity of foods will help to achieve weight loss.

Exercise forms an important aspect in reducing weight. When doing exercise it increases the basic metabolic percentage and also burns the calories. Interested sporting activity can also be called exercise which is also fat burning activity.

Hunger is not the suitable formula for weight loss. Instead it may produce negative results like to eat more.

Taking smaller amount of food and more frequent smaller meals can raise your metabolism.

But smaller amount foods should contain nutrients. Easily not digestible foods like fats and protein can be avoided in your meal plan.

Placing the eating habit as sole can avoid over eating. It means eating while watching TV will naturally increase intake of foods indirectly which should be avoided for effective weight maintenance.

Taking meals in a calm place and in a routine place where it has to be actually taken is the effective way for weight maintenance. Taking food on the way to work place or in the journey is not good habit for effective weight maintenance.

Keeping a record of eating daily will definitely be helpful for weight maintenance. Keeping an eating dairy will definitely help to improve food habits or to eliminate food habits or to reduce the food habits.

New Method for Weight Loss

From the very first day you made up your mind to lose weight, you should make that commitment and go into it with a positive attitude. losing weight can be quite a challenge. In fact, for some, it can be very tough. It takes time, practice, discipline and support to change lifetime habits. But it's a process you must learn in order to succeed.

Your emotions are like muscles and the ones you use most grow the strongest. If you always look at the negative side of things, you'll become a depressed, pessimistic person. Even slightly negative thoughts have a greater impact on you and last longer than powerful positive thoughts.

Drop 21 Pounds in 3 Weeks!

No good thing comes out of negative thinking, it just holds you back from accomplishing the things you want to do. When a negative thought creeps into your mind, replace it reminding yourself that you're somebody, you have self-worth and you possess unique strengths and talents. Contemplate what lies ahead of you. Losing weight is not just about diets. It's about a whole new you and the possibility of creating a new life for yourself. Investigate the weight loss programs that appeal to you and that you feel will teach you the behavioral skills you need to stick with throughout the weight-loss process. First you should look for support among family and friends. It can be an enormous help to discuss obstacles and share skills and tactics with others on the same path. You might look for this support from others you know who are in weight loss programs and you can seek guidance from someone you know who has lost weight and kept it off.

There are success stories across the country today. On television and in newspapers, magazines and tabloids about people who have miraculously lost untold pounds and kept it off. In all instances they say their mental attitude as well as their outlook on life has totally changed and LOW GLYCEMIC DIET and this method works!!!

You will probably need to learn new, wiser eating skills. You will want a weight loss regimen that gives you some control, rather than imposing one rigid system. Look for one that offers a variety of different eating plans, so you can choose the one that's best for you.

Keep in mind, too, that your weight loss program will most likely include some physical exercises. Look at the exercising aspect of your program as fun and recreation and not as a form of grueling and sweaty work. The fact is that physical fitness is linked inseparable to all personal effectiveness in every field. Anyone willing to take the few simple steps that lie between them and fitness will shortly begin to feel better, and the improvement will reflect itself in every facet of their existence.

Doctors now say that walking is one of the best exercises. It helps the total circulation of blood throughout the body, and thus has a direct effect on your overall feeling of health. There are things such as aerobics, jogging, swimming and many other exercises which will benefit a weight loss program. Discuss the options with your doctor and take his advice in planning your exercise and weight loss program.

Right Now there are new methods by which you can lose weight and this new methods works.

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Monday, September 3, 2007

11 Healthy Snacks for your Heart

Everybody likes a snack. And it’s not just that you’re hungry between meals and you need a bite to eat, but also because snacks can be a treat for yourself. Treats help make you feel better and raise your spirits. So here’s a list of snacks that can get your heart pumping, both literally and figuratively. They're delicious alternatives to the traditional bag of chips or candy bar that are not part of a healthy diet. So instead of dropping by the drive-through or heading straight for the candy aisle, you can and load up on some heart-healthy snacks.

1. Vegetables Dipped in Hummus - Fresh vegetables are low in calories and have many antioxidants. Many of them have no fat whatsoever and instead give you plenty of fiber to make your stomach feel full. Hummus, made from chick peas, is a great alternative protein without saturated fat.

2. Fruit Skewered on a Stick with a Little Dark Chocolate for Dipping - Fruit has a variety of antioxidants to fight cancer and heart disease. Dark chocolate has a high concentration of flavinols, which is a type of antioxidant that helps fight heart disease, and is in fact recommended by doctors for this very purpose.

3. Half of a Cantaloupe Filled with Fat Free Cottage Cheese, a Dash of Cinnamon and Some Berries - The cantaloupe and berries are rich in antioxidants, and the fat-free cottage cheese counts as a serving of dairy, while avoiding the saturated fat.

4. Fat-free Yogurt with Fruit and a Sprinkle of Nuts - Here’s a chance of getting another serving of dairy that contains no saturated fat, but plenty of antioxidants from fruit and, on top of that, a bit of healthy, unsaturated fat from the nuts.

5. Smoothies with Silken Tofu and Berries plus a Dash of Grape Juice or Pomegranate Juice As most dieters know, tofu is an excellent alternative protein source without saturated fat. Berries, grape juice and pomegranate juice have a high concentration of antioxidants and are very good for you.

6. Homemade Soup - Start with a vegetable base in order to load up on antioxidants and fiber. Make sure you don’t buy something that’s rich in sodium because that’s something you definitely don’t want for your heart. Add a bag of frozen vegetables and mix in a couple of cups of beans. Canned beans are rich in sodium, so make sure to rinse them thoroughly before use. Season it with fresh herbs.

7. Pureed Prunes — Sneak Them into your Brownies - Pureed fruit is an excellent addition to chocolate brownies because it helps strengthen the taste of chocolate. Another good thing is that you've put in something that use less oil or less butter and you've also added antioxidants because of the pureed fruit. Also fruit has fiber to lower your cholesterol.

8. Silken Tofu or Soy Milk — Substitute for Regular Milk in Recipes - Using tofu or soy milk instead of regular milk is a good way of adding heart healthy protein, while at the same time cutting down on the heart-clogging calories of the other oils you might have used.

9. Applesauce or Apple Butter — Use in Place of Oil for Muffins - Apple butter is one of best ingredients you can add to moisture the mix and to give it that pleasant fruit flavor that won't combat your other ingredients.

10. Nuts and Small Chunks of Fruit — Sprinkle on Top of Muffins - If you substitute applesauce for the oil, you'll be making a muffin low in fat, chock-full of antioxidants from fruit, fiber from nuts, and heart-healthy protein from the nuts.

11. Meatloaf — Use Tofu and Chopped White Chicken Meat Instead of Red Meat - This combination is absolutely great. The result will feel and taste just like meatloaf, but without the downside of eating red meat.

Stay in Shape While Travelling

Traveling is fun. Whether you’re doing it on business, or for your own pleasure, visiting other places and seeing different sights and people is great. Naturally, people who have to travel a lot on account of business are less interested in sights and local attractions. But we all have something in common and that thing is the havoc that traveling causes to our bodies, especially when we’re talking long distance traveling. Diets, workout programs, daily work or recreation routines, everything is thrown out of its proper place and confusion reigns instead. This is an unpleasant situation, but there are ways to manage that.

A good thing you can try when you arrive in a new city is to drop your bags at the hotel, put on your sports gear and go running or jogging. Don’t bother unpacking your stuff because this will only sap the last of your energies. Once you’re done unpacking and putting everything in its place, you’ll only have enough energy to crawl into your bed, grab the remote and also some of the tempting high-calorie snacks from the mini bar, while checking out the fifteen channels on TV. That’s not the best way to start your visit, so it’s a good idea to do things differently.

Business trips are most of the time a whirlwind of confusion and exhaustion that drains a person, but that’s not set in stone. While exercising may sound counterintuitive, because exercises require some of that precious energy that keeps a person going, physical effort is actually a very good idea. Working out does not deplete the kind of energy that keeps a person awake in a chair throughout the day, but actually helps increase stress resistance and general stamina. So instead of getting between the sheets as soon as possible, you should do the exact opposite.

If you don't have the time for a full run and a shower afterwards, you should at least take a brisk walk. This is an excellent way to clear out the cobwebs and also to check out the surroundings and discover all the little sights and shops you may want to visit later. If the hotel has a gym, you can use that, although you miss out on the local parks. A very important piece of advice is to avoid snacking on those overpriced, high-cholesterol, high-fat foods that the hoteliers load in your mini bar. Instead, you should find a local convenience store and buy some good stuff that will keep in the minibar's refrigerator.

Eating properly is of utmost importance. But that can be difficult, especially on a hectic business trip, when eating improperly begins the moment the flight attendant serves you a tray of something that shouldn’t belong in any healthy diet. What you can do before leaving home is to load up your carryon bag with celery, carrots, raisins, tomatoes, fruit, a lean turkey sandwich, maybe a little cottage cheese with pineapple, even some trail mix or a protein bar. This will keep hunger away and also the pangs that can make anybody give in to overeating.

How to Lose Weight the Healthy Way

One of the biggest problems when it comes to dieting and weight loss is that most people see the whole process of shedding some weight and returning to a healthy weight as something temporary in their lives, something that comes and goes, an unpleasant but necessary period that nearly everyone has to go through now and again. It’s all part of enjoying life, even if you have to pay a small price later on for all the good things you’ve eaten, the late nights, late mornings and long office hours that kept you from going to the gym and other things of the sort.

Another problem, just as important as the first one, is that most people rush headlong into a crash diet as if, somehow, by torturing their bodies with starvation, so that they can ensure good results. And the cycle can go on and on for long periods of time because the crunch is always followed by a resumption of the lifestyle that led to it being necessary in the first place. As time passes, diets become less and less effective because the body gets used to the crash diet and also because extra weight is harder and harder to get rid of.

The answer to all these problems is to get into the habit of living a healthy lifestyle, one that does not make you fat and, consequently, does not feature a diet after every Christmas. Cutting out most food suddenly is not a wise decision, especially if you’re used to eating as much as you please. Jumping on the treadmill and running till you drop is not a good idea if you’re not used to a bit of exercise every other day. What you should be looking for is a slow and careful transition to a different way of living.

Instead of just starving yourself and hoping it would do the trick, you should take a good look at your eating habits and see if there’s anything wrong with them. Ideally, you should have three meals every day and some fruits or vegetables as snacks in between them, should you feel the need for a snack. Slowly, you can start phasing out sweets, soft drinks, hamburgers and all sorts of fast food products, while at the same time educating yourself about your choices. Always try to eat a healthy amount of food, especially since your body may notice the slight drop in the daily amount of calories and may request more food to compensate.

And, since the body gets only a fixed amount of food, it’s pretty simple to start losing weight by increasing your daily activity levels. This will provide the necessary impulse for your weight loss process as the body will be forced to expend accumulated energy to make up for the difference in consumption. And keep in mind that exercises don’t have to be push ups or sit ups. Instead of just picking up a workout book on and following it to the letter, try to find something you like to do. Exercising and dieting is always better if you like what you’re doing.

Healthy Foods That are No so Healthy

Men and women who are doing their best to stick to a diet and lose weight often look for what has come to be known as healthy food, food labelled as “low fat”, “fat free” or “diet”. Since people don’t always read the labels and since the producers do their best to conceal the effect of such foods, it’s no wonder that some people fail to lose as much weight as possible on a particular diet. Trying really hard to stay away from sweets and sodas is useless when the supposedly healthy food makes it harder to lose pounds.

The biggest problem is the fact that a lot of healthy foods contain ingredients such as high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oil and plain sugar. This is the trick that producers use to sell food labelled healthy, despite it not being so. The words “fat free” is printed in attractive letters on the label, but nowhere does it say that the lack of fat is more than compensated for by the sugar content. While producers have to meet a certain standard in order to be able to call their foods “low fat” or “fat free”, there are no regulations for the word “diet”.

Be careful when buying yogurt and all sorts of yogurt-based desserts because the dairy companies really like to brag about their support of healthier lifestyles. Since people who like yogurt worry about the quantity of fat found in such products, the dairy companies have rushed to launch low fat and fat free versions of their best selling brands. What they are not very eager to tell the world is that desserts need sugar and that “low fat” doesn’t mean “no sugar”. In fact, customers may be very surprised to find that the low fat yogurt may be the equivalent of a candy bar, in terms of sugar.

Energy bars are another problem. People like them because the drastic cut in calories, which is one of the basic features of every diet, puts energy reserves under severe strain. It’s hard to get through the day and does all the things one’s used to do during the first couple of weeks of dieting, when the body is still adjusting to the lower intake of food. Energy bars sound like a great way of getting through the day without eating, but it’s not that simple. The main source of energy for the body contained in energy bars is, of course, sugar.

And let’s not forget fruit juices. A lot of people like to drink their daily helping of fruits instead of eating it, but fresh fruits and fruit juices are not the same thing. Producers need to add various substances to juices in order to keep them from spoiling. They also add sugar to juices, because some fruits are not naturally sweet enough to suit the tastes of customers. It is useless to say that all that extra sugar is not good for people trying to lose weight. The best thing to do is to skip juices and eat fresh fruits.

The Benefits of Losing Weight

There are lots of reasons for people who are overweight or obese to lose weight, to be healthier, look better, to feel healthier and to have more energy.
No matter what the reason, successful weight loss and healthy weight management depend on sensible goals and expectations. If we set sensible goals for ourselves, chances are we'll be more likely to meet them and have a better chance of keeping the weight off. In fact, losing even 5% to 10 % of our weight is the kind of goal that will help improve our health quite dramatically.
Most overweight people should lose weight steadily. For safe and healthy weight loss, we really shouldn’t exceed a rate of 2lbs pounds per week. Sometimes, people with serious health problems associated with obesity may have legitimate reasons for losing weight rapidly. If so, a Doctors’ directions are necessary.

What we weigh is the end result of quite a few factors:
· How much and what kinds of food we eat
· Whether our lifestyle includes regular physical activity
· Whether we use food to respond to stress and other situations in our lives
· Our physiological and genetic make-up
· Our age and health status
Successful weight loss and weight management should address all of these factors. And that's the reason to ignore products and programs that promise quick and easy results, or that promise permanent results without permanent changes in our lifestyles. Any ad that says we can lose weight without lowering the calories we take in and/or increasing our physical activity is selling fantasy and false hope. In fact, some people would call it deception. What's more, the use of some products may not be safe.

Some other very important reasons for losing weight are:

Heart disease and hypertension.
The risk for heart disease, which includes heart attack, congestive heart failure, sudden cardiac death, angina, and abnormal heart rhythm, is higher in individuals who are overweight or obese. In addition, high blood pressure, or hypertension, is twice as common in adults who are obese than in those who maintain a healthy weight. Obesity also is associated with elevated triglycerides (blood fat) and decreased HDL cholesterol, also known as "good" cholesterol. Losing just 5 to 15 percent of your weight can lower your chances for developing heart disease or having a stroke. Weight loss also improves blood pressure, as well as triglyceride and cholesterol levels.
A weight gain of 11lbs to 18lbs increases the risk for developing type 2 diabetes to twice that of those who maintain a healthy weight. There is a direct link between being overweight and diabetes: More than 80% of people with diabetes are overweight or obese. You can slash your risk for early type 2 diabetes by losing weight and doing more exercise. Recent research shows that a 5% to 7% reduction in body weight can avoid type 2 diabetes in people who are at high risk for the complaint.
Studies show that being overweight and obesity are coupled with a greater than before risk for some kinds of cancer. These including endometrial, colon, gallbladder, prostrate, kidney, and postmenopausal breast cancers. Also, women who gain more than 20lbs of excess body weight between age 18 and midlife double their risk of postmenopausal breast cancer, compared to women who do not put on excess weight. Maintaining a healthy weight may lessen the risk of cancer.
Sleep apnea.
This disorder, which causes interrupted breathing during sleep, is more common in obese persons. Researches show that losing weight improves symptoms of sleep apnea.
Surplus weight is brutal on the bones. For every 2lb of weight we put on, the risk for developing arthritis goes up by 9% to 13%. Symptoms of arthritis get better when losing weight.

Excess weight is also associated with increased risk for Gallbladder Disease, Incontinence, and increased surgical risk. Also pre- menopausal women who carry too much weight can experience irregular menstrual cycles and infertility. Being excessively overweight can cause difficulties during pregnancy too. Being excessively overweight during pregnancy is connected with a higher risk of death for both the mother and baby, and increases the risk of hypertension. Women who are excessively overweight during pregnancy are also more likely to suffer with gestational diabetes and experience problems with labour and delivery.

Finally, but certainly not in the least, obesity affects quality of life as well. Carrying too much excess weight can lead to sadness and nervousness.

In general, the more overweight we are the more likely you are to have health problems. Yet a fairly small weight loss of 5lbs or 10lbs can, to a great extent decrease our risk factors. To lose weight and keep it off, try to make long term if not permanent changes in our eating and physical activity routines. Before we begin a diet or weight loss program of any sort, it's important to talk with your doctor or nutritionist. He or she can advise us on the weight loss plan that will work best for us.

Dieting for a Healthy Life

Millions of people everyday decide it is time to diet. Whether it is due to health reasons or just because they want to look better, they decide that it is time to make the lifestyle changes necessary to diet successfully. You may be able to lose weight without making lifestyle however it will be impossible to sustain it.

Many people are hesitant to start dieting for weight loss because they believe that dieting for a healthy life will make them hungry all of the time. There are ways that you can feel less hungry and still diet. One way is to increase your fiber intake throughout the day. When your fiber intake is increased, it can assist your body in feeling full. There are many foods that are high in fiber, such as beans, pears, whole grains and apples. By using the fruit as a snack throughout the day, you are increasing your fiber and satisfying the snack cravings associated with dieting. It is recommended that you take the necessary precautions against the side affects that eating too much fiber can cause.

Water is a very important part of life. It is even more important when you are dieting. Drinking plenty of water not only makes you feel less hungry, it also regulates your metabolism, it keeps you hydrated, and it gives you the nutrients that your body needs to stay healthy. Water also helps to flush out the toxins from your body that can slow down the weight loss process. There seems to be endless benefits to drinking water when you’re dieting for weight loss.

In today’s world, everything is big, cars, clothes, and food portions. Fast food places push their super sized menu items, and this contributes to the three quarters of the world being overweight to some degree. In restaurants around the country, it is not a complete meal unless you have at least three courses, and then dessert. In some instances, the portions are huge.

When you learn how to control the portions that you eat, you will be able to control what you consume. This will lead to weight loss.

The type of foods that you eat will also determine if you will lose weight. If you eat a lot of food that is high in fat, carbohydrates, and calories you are less likely to lose the weight that you want, and you could be opening the door for serious health issues. Making healthy menu choices will ensure that you will loose weight and stay healthy.

Incorporating an exercise routine as one of your lifestyle changes can further assist you in your weight loss goals. It does not have to be anything strenuous; a simple evening walk will help to speed up your metabolism. If you have children, involve them in the evening walk to instill good habits early.

Dieting for a healthy life by losing weight does not mean that you have to give up all the things in life that you love. It simply means that by modifying and taking things in moderation will assist you far better than the path that you may be currently on. The health implications of loosing the weight are well worth the required effort and should not be taken lightly no matter how excited you are about your new body that is hiding inside your old one.

Dieting For A Healthy Life

What is the Best Cellulite Cream?

Individuals react differently to various cellulite solutions. A lot of people however are now turning towards cellulite creams as a more affordable alternative to medical procedures. What can possibly be the best cellulite cream?

Commercial Products

No product will ever claim itself to be inferior. Each topical product will therefore claim to be the best cellulite cream. The truth however is that most of these products are cosmetic products. As a general rule, consistency in application is important for the best cellulite cream to show results. Common cosmetic products however simply mask the cellulite problem temporarily no matter how often you apply it on your skin. Once the product wears off, the cellulite will look as dimpled and as unsightly as before.

Common Ingredient

A lot of products claiming to be the best cellulite creams actually contain aminophylline. This ingredient was originally intended to relax the lungs to treat asthma. The problem with aminophylline however, is that some individuals have shown allergic reactions to the chemical. There are also a variety of other chemical components in common cellulite treatments that may cause allergic reactions.

For Best Results

It is generally accepted that cellulite creams can only really work if it has ingredients that can enter the bloodstream and break down fats and connective tissues. Theoretically, lab tests have shown that aminophylline can and does affect fat cells. When applied on the skin however, aminophylline may just be superficially absorbed by the skin and may not make it to the cellulite area. Theoretically then, this common cellulite cream ingredient may show better results when injected instead of just applied topically. An effective medical procedure still has to be devised though to effectively make use of this ingredient in injections.

Natural Ingredients

A lot of experts now seem to believe that the best cellulite cream is that which contains natural ingredients. Retinol, an active form of the antioxidant vitamin A for example, is thought to be a promising ingredient. Retinol can help increase the production of collagen and elastin to improve skin thickness and elasticity. It can also therefore improve the quality of rigid connective tissues made of collagen. Rigid connective tissues can contribute to the incidence of cellulite.

Retinol however may not be thoroughly effective when used alone. The best cellulite cream therefore should also use other ingredients that can also contribute to the reduction of cellulite. Other ingredients that have been studied and have shown some incredible potential to help treat cellulite are caffeine, algae extract and green tea extract.

These natural ingredients improve blood flow by breaking down fat cells. With proper blood flow, proper waste and excess fat elimination can therefore proceed. When these ingredients are mixed in a product with retinol and other natural ingredients, you can expect to have reduced cellulite.

Best Cellulite Cream

The best cellulite cream therefore is almost always that which has natural ingredients that can be safely used without the danger of harmful side effects. Natural products harness the natural healing and rejuvenating properties of nature itself.

Weight Loss Expectations and the Atkins Diet

Doctor Atkins claimed there are two main unrecognized factors about Western eating habits arguing that first, the main cause of obesity is eating refined carbohydrates, particularly sugar, flour, and high-fructose corn syrups and second, saturated fat is overrated as a nutritional problem, and that only trans fats from sources such as hydrogenated oils need to be avoided.

Consequently, Dr. Atkins rejects the idea of the food pyramid, asserting instead that the tremendous increase in refined carbohydrates is responsible for the rise in metabolic disorders of the 20th century, and that the focus on the detrimental effects of dietary fat has actually contributed to the obesity problem by increasing the proportion of insulin-inducing foods in the diet.

While most of the emphasis in Atkins is on the diet, nutritional supplements and exercise are considered equally important elements. The Atkins Diet promises that not only will you lose weight -- and not be hungry, despite the fact that you're on low-carbohydrate diet, but you'll also be on the road to better heart health and memory function, as well as other wellness benefits.

Steak with Bearnaise sauce, eggs and bacon, cheddar cheese omelets, Roquefort dressing and silky smooth avocado cream soup made with real cream? It almost sounds too good to be true! The Atkins Diet gained widespread popularity in 2003 and 2004. At the height of its popularity, one in eleven North-American adults was on the diet. This large following was even blamed for large declines in the sales of carb-heavy foods like pasta and rice.

All things considered, this diet is great for healthy adults as it leaves you enough room for variation and it's great for people with busy lives or for those who have to eat out very often. But it's not as free of problems as it may seem: too high protein diets are not suited for everybody, so be sure you ask your doctor's advice before you start dieting. Oh, and it is really expensive.

High-protein diets are generally well tolerated by healthy adults. But a dramatic increase in protein-rich foods may be dangerous for people with liver or kidney disease because they lack the ability to get rid of the waste products of protein metabolism. Although high-protein diets generally aren't harmful, they may increase the risk of kidney stones and osteoporosis.

High-protein diets may also limit other healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables. In addition, many high-protein foods - such as meat, milk, cheese and eggs - are also high in fat and cholesterol. So choose your protein sources wisely. Good choices include fish, beans, lentils and low-fat dairy products.

An analysis conducted by Forbes magazine found that the Atkins Nutritional Approach (the boxed retail food product created by Atkins to facilitate the Atkins Diet) is one of the five most expensive diet plans of the top ten eating plans analyzed by Forbes. The boxed Atkins Diet forces the user to pay an 80% premium over average American food expenses.

The Risks of 3-day Dieting Revealed

Dieting is very fashionable these days and has been so for a number of years. But what happens when somebody tries those very popular quick fix diets? Do they lose weight? Are they healthier than before? Is dieting a sustainable way of life?

Your body needs vitamins - nutrients found in most foods - for many reasons, including the production of red blood cells. If your body lacks certain key vitamins, you can develop a type of anemia - a condition in which your blood is low on red blood cells - called vitamin deficiency anemia.

Red blood cells carry oxygen from your lungs to all parts of your body. Without enough healthy red blood cells, your body can't get the oxygen it needs to feel in top shape. To produce red blood cells, your body needs iron and certain vitamins along with adequate protein and calorie intake, that’s where dieting comes in. By restricting access to food, and especially to certain types of food, dieting can put your overall health at risk.

Vitamin deficiency anemia can also lead to other health problems. Fortunately, you can usually correct vitamin deficiency anemia with supplements and dietary changes. This is one of the most important things you have to keep in mind: the body has to be nourished with all the vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats and sugars it needs to be able to function correctly. Any diet that does not account for the minimum healthy food intake is probably dangerous for your body.

About the 3 Day Diet, there is not really much to tell except the old adage "Don't try this at home!"

Version one of the 3 Day Diet promotes drinking four glasses of water or diet soda during the day. An extensive menu lists meals and snacks to eat for all three days so you can achieve the maximum diet results. It actually lets you eat food all three days, including fruits, vegetables and carbohydrates.

But there are two problems with this version of the diet:
- Too few calories per day - around 500, which is way too little for an active person
- Not enough vitamins and minerals, which means you will have to try the bottled stuff - is there any health benefit to a diet that doesn't help you achieve a healthier life?

Version two of the 3 Day Diet begins with a day of fasting. Fasting = no food, only water. Day two you can eat fruit and drink fruit juice only. On day three, you can only eat vegetables and drink vegetable juice. This version of the 3 Day Diet claims you can lose ten pounds in three days if the three-day menu is strictly followed. The rest of the week is spent eating lightly, but "normally." After seven days are up, start the routine again!

Will you lose weight with this diet? Sure you will! Who wouldn't when subjected to near starvation?? Would it be for good? Probably not, as the body will try hard to rebuild the fat reserves after you exit the starvation mode.

Keep in mind that:
1. "Yo-yo" dieting (repetitive cycles of gaining, losing, & regaining weight) has been shown to have negative health effects, including increased risk of heart disease, long-lasting negative impacts on metabolism, etc.

2. Dieting forces your body into starvation mode. It responds by slowing down many of its normal functions to conserve energy. This means your natural metabolism actually slows down and you lose less weight than you would if you'd just walk for an extra half hour a day.

Overweight? Stop Making Excuses

Some people find it hard to accept that they do have weight problem. They cannot just accept that they are overweight and just ignore it. They never run out of excuses of doing diet routine. In the end, they get disappointed and depressed because they do not know how to face the problem of being overweight.

You make many weight loss excuses and it automatically comes in without realizing it. Losing weight is not that easy but you have to discipline yourself. Next time, ask yourself why you make excuses every time you commit it.

Some of the most common excuses include:

• No time to do any exercise.
• No time to prepare healthy meals.
• Too old to exercise.
• No enough support
• Not feeling well.
• Bored with exercising.

The excuses mentioned above are just a few. You might have noticed that some are just lame excuses. So how do you stop making those weight loss excuses?

Find out why you are making excuses. Are they acceptable? Or you are just thinking of another better way? If not, then why are you not taking some action? There are some who didn’t like being overweight yet they’re doing nothing about it because they are afraid that they might fail and end up still overweight. Don’t be afraid of change…

The way you think will affect how you succeed with your weight loss routine. The more negative you think, the more excuses you’ll commit and fail. Don’t let your low self-esteem win over you. Strive harder for something that is important to you.

Lack of time with exercises is the one of the most common used excuses because we are too occupied with other things. Lack of time is not a valid excuse because if we think that losing weight is really important for us, we need to find time to for it no matter how busy we are. Do as much as you can each day and you’ll feel more energetic.

In order overcome weight loss excuses, know you need to understand the reason why you’re making an excuse and think its importance to you. Discipline yourself; strive for a happy and healthy you.

If you’re having difficulties in losing weight alone, join support groups where you can meet people who can make your weight loss routine successful. Clinically proven products are also available to help you in your weight loss problems, such as Proactol™ , a new clinically proven fat binder. It is made of non-soluble and soluble fibers, immediately attaches to fats found floating on the surface of the stomach. This creates a fat-fiber complex that is too large to be absorbed in the small intestine, allowing the fat to pass naturally through the body. In clinical studies, Proactol™ has been proven to bind up to 28% of dietary fat intake. You can take it in after eating. Support groups and clinically proven products such as Proactol™ help you to enjoy a healthier lifestyle.

Manage your weight more easily with Proactol™ for Healthy Weight Loss.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Weight Loss Food - How to Start ?

Have you thought about losing weight only to give up before you even start? In How to Start Losing Weight Easily Eating Food you will discover shedding the pounds and trimming the inches is really very simple to accomplish. The best way to go about losing weight is to break it down in bite sizes the same way you eat.

The first way to get started is to prepare your body for change. You do that by cleansing your body by using the correct foods to wash burn and eliminate the old built up foods in your body. Those foods would primarily be fruits that burn or are enzymatic in the way they help the body to break down, digest, and eliminate excess storage from the body. By using the right fruits and foods you will daily be watching those pounds and inches come off. You will want to start each day with a single fruit i.e., pineapple, strawberries, grapes, papaya, watermelon, mango, kiwi, prunes, apricots or figs. Eat as much as you want but make sure you only eat one fruit at a time. Do not mix fruits and wait at least one hour before you try a different fruit. Eat just one kind and lots of it up to 2 hours before you have your next meal.

For your daytime meals enjoy your carbohydrates and eat all you want. These would include your salads, vegetables, rice, breads, pastas, potatoes. They should not be combined with protein. Again wait 2 hours before you eat protein. Make sure you are drinking lots of water all throughout the day.

Your protein foods are beef, cheese, eggs, fish, pork, fowl, milk, nuts, yogurt, seafood, and yes ice cream and cheesecake. And Fats such as butter, oil, sour cream, heavy cream, mayonnaise may be combined with either proteins or carbohydrates but do not combine them with fruit.

An example of an all carbohydrate meal would be: Avocado, tomato and onion sandwich. An example of an all-protein meal would be: steak and eggs or bacon, eggs, and sausage. By proper combination of foods and eating them in the right order you can easily eat all you want and lose weight easily. The great part is you won't even feel like you are on a diet and you will have more energy, feel better and shed those inches and pounds with out starving or taking all those unnecessary diet pills.

Weight Loss by Drinking Water

Your body needs six to eight glasses of water everyday. Take note, though, that this amount is only enough for a normal day when the weather is cool and you don’t engage in a lot of physical activity. Where the temperature and/or your level of physical activity rises, you also have to increase your water intake.

Drinking water is the most direct way of fulfilling your requirements for liquid intake. That however, is not the only way. The food you eat and other drinks you consume contain water, so these count too. Be wary, however. Drinking a glass of cola, as compared to a glass of water will not give you the same effect. While cola does contain water, it also contains a lot of sugar and caffeine that can be bad for you in excessive amounts. Drinking water gives you none of the sugar, caffeine, and the calories. Water is not only good for your health in general. Drinking water helps weight loss, too.

How drinking water helps in weight loss

You better believe it. Drinking water helps weight loss and here’s how:

• Appetite Suppression: Your brain technically does not know the difference between thirst and hunger. Unless your tummy’s really rumbling or you haven’t eaten in a while, most of the time that you thought you were hungry were actually times that you were just thirsty. So the next time you feel the urge to grab something from the refrigerator, try a glass of water instead.

• Dehydration Causes Weight Gain: You got that right. Dehydration causes weight gain because as your body perceives that it’s not getting enough water, it retains water to protect itself. Water retention causes bloating which can make you look and feel fat. Not only that, but it actually does add on weight, as much as 4-5 pounds to be exact. Once you start drinking water as you should, your body adjusts, stops retaining water, and helps you flush away all that water weight you gained.

• Maximizes Fat Loss: Water doesn’t really burn fat, or at least not directly. It just makes the process easier for your body. Normally, your water intake puts your kidneys to work, as well as helping them work. So when you don’t take in sufficient water, your kidneys don’t function very well. Because your kidneys aren’t functioning very well, the job of processing your water intake is passed on to your liver. But your liver also has other tasks to handle! Primarily, the liver is responsible for turning fat into energy – in other words, burning fat. When it’s given the additional task of processing your water intake, it can’t concentrate in burning as much fat as it can. When you drink enough water, your kidneys will function properly. When your kidneys function properly, they don’t need to pass processing your water intake to the liver. The liver then is free to concentrate on its fat-burning duties. You see! Drinking water helps weight loss!

• Water Helps Activate Fiber: Fiber by itself, without the necessary water intake, doesn’t do much for your diet. In fact, by not taking in enough water, fiber will cause constipation by soaking up water already in your body. To make sure that you get the most out of your fiber, make sure that you take in enough water – sometimes even more the amount of what is normally required for everyday intake.

• Water Helps Flush Away Toxins and Fats: Because with enough water fiber gets to do its job properly, toxins and fats are absorbed during digestion before they get absorbed by your body. Apart from making sure that fiber sponges up toxins and fats in your body, water also works on its own to help you flush out toxins and fats. Where you have a less build-up of toxins in your body, you will be healthier. A healthier body ultimately can work harder in processing and breaking down fats, thus helping you lose weight. Do you believe now that drinking water helps weight loss?

General Health Benefits

Aside from the fact that drinking water helps weight loss, the benefits of consuming enough water for your health should not be undermined. It decreases risks of kidney stones. It helps maintain your normal body temperature. It also aids in circulation and digestion, as well as helping maintain muscle tone and preventing skin sagging.

Can you drink too much water?

Drinking water helps weight loss but you should do it in moderation. It’s not so much as drinking too much water as drinking too fast that should be your concern. Your kidneys are efficient enough to process up to 5 gallons of water in a day. The key is to spread out your water intake throughout the day and not ingest a lot on fewer intervals.